Rotary Ticket Raffle Winners

First off, thank you everyone for all your support.

Here's a message sent to me by Ms Josie Sy Ang regarding the draw results of the Rotary tickets. Unfortunately, there's no winner from our ticket booklets batch.
"HI there Malou,

I sent you a text last night re the car raffle. I think its very important that you send out a message to our batchmates re the results of the car raffle.

Pictures attached was taken from my i phone as the raffle was done late after dinner and John was out getting our clothes.

I don't know why but this year, there were very few minor prizes. They were probably not able to sell tickets very well.

Winners for 10 roundtrip tickets to Bangkok are:

01824 RC Sta Mesa
21577-RC Pasay Millenium
03707- RC Panday Pira
21125- RC Pasay Millenium
35053- RC Metro Silang
00517- RC Manila East
43927-RC Manila San Miguel (pls check if an Alumniwo
12601 RC Ermita
29308-RC Pasay Southeast
19547-RC Cavite East

Grand winner of the Hyundai Tucson is #42583 is RC San Jose Mindoro. They were ecstatically shouting because it's a first time a club from the island won.

I had to write down the winners so I could send to you right away so I had only 2 pictures taken, sorry about that.

Best regards,

But someone from Josie's Club won.

So, for us,  next time maybe? Again much appreciation to you all!

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