Manny Palafox Jr is the new President

Hello classmates. It's been awhile. Forgive the delay in posting new information about our activities, new found batchmates, Feb 4, 2012 reunion planning,  etc. Been terribly busy the past few months. I will try to get things updated though soon.

One important announcement that we need to inform everyone is the recent resignation of Vixi Abat as President. He had to let go of the Presidential reins because of  very personal reasons.

Accordingly, the batch organization with the required quorum unanimously approved the nomination of Manny Palafox Jr., as our new President, during our most recent batch meet on July 30, 2011, held at RMCHS premises. Congratulations to Manny  and Good Luck.

Also new officers were nominated:
  • Leo Valmorida - Auditor
  • Abraham Espiritu - PRO
  • Rey Bugarin - Sgt-at-Arms or Security Officer
Please find the July 30, 2011 Minutes of the Meeting  here and the listing of the new set of officers here.

    And here's to everyone working towards the Feb 4, 2012 Batch Reunion. CHEERS!

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