Luisa Umbal Capoy

My apologies to Louie Capoy who sent this email on July 22, 2011 through our account but which I just opened yesterday.  

"Hi to all. I am Ma. Luisa Umbal (now Capoy). I belong to IV-3 of Batch 1970. I accidentally came across the site of Batch 1970 and glad to read all the write ups about our batchmates. Nice looking at your pictures and I also look forward seeing you again in person.. It's been a long time".

Louie is now married with two pretty grown-up  daughters.

I could guess that she together with the family love to travel.

Louie we would love to have you attend our meet-ups, gigs and meetings if you can spare some of your time. Looking forward to see you on February  3,4 and 5 as our grand batch reunion with batchmates coming all the way from the Unites States, Canada, Australia and other parts of the world. Please don't miss that.   

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