Joe Apostol

Sharing with everyone, our newest find -- Joe Apostol. He sent me an email. (I took the liberty in deleting some information for privacy reasons. You know how it is about sharing information on the web).

Joe with Wife

To begin,  Joe says he is "so excited that I will be meeting with some of my former classmates and batchmates, and can't wait for the year 2012 to come, it brings back some fun memories. I was scanning some of the photos in RMCHS batch site, and to my amazement I could only recall 1 or 2 faces, not to mention their names, but it didn't matter, it brought smile to my face as I was scanning them".

Further, he intimates that he "might remember" batch and classmates, "more when I see them in person". Joe continues by saying, "I don't think many batchmates remember me either from the high school days for I kept a low profile then". 

Joe often  goes to "California for a vacation", and  says he "could have attended some of those mini re-unions". He goes on with, "well maybe next time. I remember Virgie Guevarra, although I doubt if she knows me, she is the pretty one with the short skirt as I recall, Eliseo Odulio actually was a classmate of mine, and batchmate Reuel Aguila, who is the smart one, he was actually an ex-classmate  from Elementary at Padre Gomez Elementary School back in the late 60's.  Eva Orlino and Ver  were classmates as well".

He writes on with, "It's great that all of them are doing fine in their life endeavors. As for me, this is a short story of my life.  After high school, I went to college at Far Eastern University. Took BS. Medical Technology as preparatory for Medicine, but after graduating Med. Tech., received my petition from the US, decided to go abroad instead of finishing Medicine as it was the better option for me at that time. I have been in xxxxx, Illinois since 1977, worked in the lab. at a xxxxxx hospital,  for a  year then moved to xxxxx Hospital for 2 yrs., then went back to xxx xxxxx in the capacity of Pulmonary Technologist and has been working there since.

Joe met his wife in Chicago,  "got married with no kids, loves to travel, party and play golf 2 or 3X a week".

His email closes with "Again keep me posted, and thanks".

There you go, another addition to our growing roster of batch and classmates.

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