Danilo Palima

Our new found batchmate is  Danilo Palima who I searched through an fb post by Zeny Abdon.

An ensuing fb message and a request for friend add  was sent by yours truly. Luckily he was online and presto. Thanks so much to batchmate Danilo for accepting.

This is a guess but perhaps his nickname is Dan or Danny? We will soon find out. His fb gives out his employment info but I am not sure if he would like to share that with the public since our blog is published publicly. I was thinking if you are on fb, and becomes a friend,  most likely you will have access to his info.. so there.. we'll see if he shares more info about himself; how he's been from high school .. to now.

I understand that he is also classmate to Baby Berona aka Veronica de Guzman.

Cheers to Danny Palima!

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