New Jersey based Nestor Rico

Here's a snippet of what Nestor Rico  shares about his life.  Rico is batch '70  and belongs to sec 3 group. The secs are mentioned only for proper attribution, not for anything else. Remember our goal is really to find as many batchmates as we can.

My take - it is never late to re-connect if not before,  why not today. Agree, classmates? Bow he he..  So here goes the first email message he sent me:

Vicky  Morelos sent him my email ad,  recently spoke with Ernie de Guzman and Lex Parayno. Rico is currently living with a friend whom he is taking care of as a home health aide.

Rico is really based in  New Jersey  but  left his home for the time being to care for his  friend. For now he resides in Redwood City, California. He gave his full address and contact phone but did not disclose it here for obvious reasons. Nestor is so enthusiastic about joining a reunion, I must guess, specifically those in California.

On 4/13/2010 he sent another email from which I cull the snippet below:

Our classmate, Lucila Macapagal,  is Nestor's  distant relative. Doc  Hernani Cualing was  his elementary class mate at the  Ponciano Bernardo in P. Tuazon, proximate to the Araneta Center.  According to Nestor, Doc Nani's mom was also a teacher at the same school. And he is ecstatic to know that Nani is now a doctor.

Nestor is excited to join all of us here, after seeing the photos we have in our rmchs blog. Accordingly, he is sending Ernie de Guzman some more pictures from the The Apprentice which he was able to keep. He informs us that another batchmate, Lex Paryano lives near his residence in California.

Nestor is still single, independent and taking care of his parents has now become his avocation. Aside from that  Nestor loves to travel and in fact has been to Europe, Southeast Asia and the Carribean. I am guessing that he pursued  all these travels on  cruise, naming Queen Mary as the most recent vessel he took. 

Wow, that's a very interesting way to live life. Pa-cruise-cruise lang. I guess he prepared for these pleasures he has been enjoying for awhile now.

Nestor has been in the U.S. since 1977 after graduating from FEU with a degree in Chemistry. He worked in various capacities in all of  29  years in America. Nestor  worked as a hospital secretary and finally, worked as a heart monitor tech (telemetry in cardiac and ICU).

He has plans of visiting Australia, New Zealand and Japan at the right time. For now he and his sister takes care of Mom. What's gratifying to note is that Nestor is one happy chap, enjoying everything he's got. Cheers Nestor and we are all happy to welcome you to our blog.

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