Constitution and By-laws



Sec 1. The name of this organization shall be “Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School Alumni Association of Batch 1970” (RMCHS B-70).

Sec 2. The office of the Association and the venue of its meeting and other activities shall be decided by the Officers.


The purpose of this Association is:
1.      To foster among the alumni, most specifically Batch 70, a spirit of continuing service, fellowship and support of the Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School;
2.      To build, maintain and enhance the relationship of all batch members;
3.      To promote among the batch an active interest in the progress and welfare of the School.


Sec I. Regular Membership:

Membership of the Association shall consist of those students who have been enrolled at and graduated from the Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School covering the school years 1969-1970.

Sec II. Duties, Rights and Privileges of Regular Members:

a.       Regular members are to attend General Assemblies;
b.      Regular members have to pay their membership dues on time;
c.       Regular Members maybe elected as Officers or members of the Board of Directors.
d.      Regular members are enjoined to attend the Monthly Meeting.
e.   Regular Members who diligently pay their Membership dues maybe given financial assistance in case of accident or death of the member or immediate members of his/her family.

Sec III. Honorary Membership:

Members and former members of the faculty and other persons having done distinguished service for the School may become honorary members by majority vote of the Officers and the Board of Directors meeting for this purpose. This class of membership is ineligible to serve as Officer or member of the Board of Directors but maybe appointed as “Consultant” or  “Adviser”.

Sec III. Sanctions:

A regular member who is remiss in settling his/her membership dues and other accounts shall be disqualified to run or vote for any elective office of the organization.


Sec I. Monthly Meeting:

The Officers and the Board of Directors shall meet every first Saturday of the month if deemed necessary for the furtherance of business of the Association. The Officers shall decide on place and venue. The quorum required to legally transact business shall be 50% plus 1 of the total number of Officers and Board Directors.

Sec II. Special Meeting:

Special meetings maybe called by the President or at the request of Three (3) members of the Board of Directors.

Sec III. General Assembly:

A General Assembly of the Association maybe called by the Officers and Board of Directors, who shall decide on place and venue. The quorum required to legally transact business shall be ¾ or 75% of the total number of Officers and Board of Directors and an equal number of Regular Members who are not holding a position in the Association.


Sec I. Composition:

The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-president, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager / Public Relations Officer, and a Security/Peace Coordinator. 

Sec II. The President

The President will preside over all meetings, gatherings or general assemblies of the Association. He calls all regular meetings and also special meetings. He performs all functions inherent to the position of President such as the conduct of legitimate business of the Association, implementation of policies formulated by the Board of Directors or by the Regular Members during the General Assembly. He/she will represent the Association in the General Alumni Board, and thus see to it that the Association policies do not go against the policies of the Mother Board. He/she shall appoint ad-hoc officers as called for under Article IX.

Sec III. The Vice-President

The Vice-President shall assist the President in the affairs of the Association. He/she shall assume the position and functions of the President in the latter’s absence and/or indisposition. He/she shall perform other duties that maybe assigned by the President.

Sec IV. The Secretary

The Secretary keeps all documents and records of the Association. He/she takes minutes of every meeting, and provides copies of the same to the Officers, and members Board of Directors. He/she prepares and sends notice of meetings called by President. She acts as chairman of the Membership Committee, in charge of maintaining up-to-date records of all members. He/she shall serve the center for coordination of all members relative to the Association functions and activities.

Sec V. Asst. Secretary

The Asst. Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his/her duties, most specially in serving as center for coordination of all members in relation to Association functions and activities. He/she shall assume the position and functions of the Secretary in the latter’s absence and/or indisposition. He/she shall perform other related duties that maybe assigned by the President.

Sec VI. The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall administer all the financial affairs of the Association. He/she shall collect, receive and account for all monies, contributions, donations, and other legitimate funds of the Association. He/she shall be in-charge of settlings all approved expenditures of the Association with strict adherence to proper accounting and auditing procedures. He/she shall prepare a monthly report of the financial standing of the Association.

 Sec VII. The Asst. Treasurer

The Asst. Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties. He/she shall assume the position and functions of the Treasurer in the latter’s absence and /or indisposition. He/she shall perform other related duties that maybe assigned by the President.

Sec VIII. The Auditor

The Auditor protects and audits the funds and properties of the Association guided by accepted Auditing Rules and Regulations. He/she must make a monthly audit of the funds under the care of the Treasurer. He/she must make a post audit of all payments made in behalf of the Association.

Sec IX. The Business Manager/Public Relations Officer

The Business Manager/Public Relation Officer shall serve as liaison officer in the business transaction of the Association. He/she shall also be in-charge of the public relations and media requirements of the Association.

Sec X. The Security/Peace Coordinator

The Security/Peace Coordinator shall be in-charge of all security concerns of the members of the Association and their guest during special functions and/or activities. He/she shall see to it that all members observe proper decorum and conduct during all meetings and General Assemblies.


Sec I. Composition:
The Board of Directors shall be composed of five (5) members.

Sec II. Functions:

It shall be the policy making body. It shall elect among them a Chairman. It shall have the power to suspend any official who is found guilty of violating the policies of the Association.  It shall formulate plans for major project that shall be undertaken by the Association.


The term of office of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Asst. Secretary, Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager/PRO, Security/Peace Coordinator shall coincide with the terms of the Board of Directors.

Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be elected to a term of two (2) years.
In case of resignation or vacancy, the President shall call for an election to fill the vacant position. In such cases, the newly elected officer shall complete the unexpired term.


Sec I. The source of RMCHS B-70 funds shall come from the following:

a.       Annual membership dues of Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00)
b.      Donations, Sponsorships  and Pledges
c.       Proceeds from fund raising projects

Sec II. Special funds:

Contributions, donations and proceeds from fundraising projects of special intentions shall not be disbursed for other purposes. Should there be excess funds after the special intentions are met, the said funds will be used for general expenditures.

Sec III. General fund:

All Association funds not intended for special expenditures shall be considered general fund and thus maybe used for the expenditures of the Association in the furtherance of its business, e.g. meals for meetings, documentary requirements, etc.

Sec IV. Safekeeping of funds:

The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a bank of good standing. A savings/checking account will be opened under the names of the present President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any two signatories may withdraw or issue a check, provided that disbursement voucher duly approved by the President supports it.


Sec I. The President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors may create committees for special purposes.

Sec II. The President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors shall create an Electoral Committee within three (3) months before the expiration of the term office of the Officers and the Board of Directors.

The committee shall elect among them a Chairman; prescribe the manner of election; formulate guidelines, and screen the nominations.

The chairman and members of the Electoral Committee may vote and to run for office like any other member of the organization, unless disqualified under Article III, Section III.

The proclamation of the winning candidates shall be made right after the election.

Sec III. The Committees shall cease to exist upon completion of the specific purpose for which the same was created or upon dissolution by the President.


Sec I. The ratification of this constitution and by-laws requires 75% of votes of the members present in a General Assembly.

Sec II. This constitution and by-laws or any provision hereof can be repealed, modified or replaced by a vote of at least 75% of members present in a General Assembly.


This constitution and by-laws shall take effect on the day it is ratified and remain in effect unless amended or replaced by virtue of Article X.


The Officers and the members of the Board of Directors, who are to be elected in February 3, 2012, shall hold office until December 31, 2013. The term of office of the succeeding Officers and members of the Board of Directors will then commence on the first day of the January 2014 and end after two years.

RATIFIED this 20th day of January 2012 at the University of the Philippines Computer Center, Diliman, Quezon City.


Ma. Chuchi  C. Estanislao

Manuel O. Palafox, Jr.

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