Minutes of Meeting August 20, 2011

Minutes of Meeting
AUGUST 20, 2011/6:00PM
Josie Sy-Ang’s Residence/Office Bldg.
Cubao, Quezon City

In Attendance:
  1. Remedios ‘Medy’ Gabriel
  2. Baby de Guzman-Berona
  3. Marilou Domingo
  4. Dorri A. Santos
  5. Josie Sy Ang
  6. Goody Sabasa-Esguerra
  7. Cecille Cabuhat Magdasoc
  8. Leo Valmorida
  9. Chelit Bataclan Hizon
  10.  Manny Palafox
  11.  Abe Espiritu
  12. Chuchi Estanislao
  1. Pres. Manny Palafox called the Meeting to order. He  declared  the Minutes of the Previous Meeting (July 2011) approved and seconded, after a quick perusal by all members present.
       2.  New Business

      2.1 Rotary Club Raffle Tickets Distribution :
Through our classmate/batchmate Josie Sy-Ang, who was a Rotary International  District Governor and remains  in the roster of Rotary Club Manila Officers, our Batch was  favored the privilege to participate in the current Rotary Int’l. District 3810 Car Raffle Ticket Sales.

Under this fund raising scheme we, Batch’70 will be allowed to benefit from the raffle ticket sales.  Josie Sy Ang turned over  one (1) lot*  or  forty eight (48) raffle ticket booklets to Malou Domingo to be sold and re-distributed to Batchmates.  

*Ticket Booklets: 48=One(1)Lot of Ten(10) Tkts per Booklet @ Php250/ticket
**Total Projected Proceeds :  Php120,000 more or less
                                Php   20,000  to be  remitted  back to Rotary Club
                                Php 100,000  to be retained as Batch ’70 Fund

**Ticket payments/collections  of  Php20,000  shall be remitted to Rotary Club. If and when available,  an additional ticket lot maybe issued to us  for another round as an additional  effort to generate more funds.

Only  those able to sell one(1) whole booklet will get Php500 as commission/ or claim two(2) tickets free (this is applicable only to local/Philippine based Ticket Distributor/Seller).

*Minor Prize Winner can also be a Major Prize Winner
*Mid-Year Draw will be held sometime in December 2011 (Possibly)

We have been reminded to settle all ticket booklet/s payments ASAP. Prize/s of winning  ticket/s/booklet/s which remain unpaid by  end of February, 2012,  will be reverted back to Batch70 funds,  as prizes are convertible to Cash.

3.   AD HOC COMMITTEES for the February 2012 Grand Reunion:

                 Malou, Cecille, Dorri, Linda H.
    •  PROGRAM & ENTERTAINMENT (Games/ Raffle /Prizes)
                 Goody, Chelit
                  Manny, Abe, Leo, Rey
                  Chuchi +  more volunteer/s
                  (Will get a Head count of the US/Int’l –Based Attendees)

4.        OTHER MATTERS:

4.1  Occular Visit to PUNTA FUEGO

It was decided during the meeting to conduct an “Occular Visit” to Punta Fuego on September 7, 2011 for  Budgeting purposes and to assess the accommodation capacity of the intended Venue for the Grand Reunion’s Out-of –Town Activity Program.
       ( Josie Sy-Ang drove her car and lead the group composed of Manny & wife,  Goody, Chuchi and Abe. Not able to join the group: Malou, Medy, Babes, Dorri , Cecille, Chelit and Leo  ) See the Photos of the Occular/Visit on FaceBook  Page of Abe Espiritu our official photographer)

4.2  Donation of Microwave Oven:
Our Batch  was the Donor of a Microwave Oven which will be given as one of  the  Prizes to the winners of the Golf Tournament being sponsored by the RMCHS-General Alumni Association held  last August 21, 2011

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