Lunch Treat for Divin Llamas Juco

Venue: Cabalen's Trinoma
Date: June 11, 2011, Saturday

Pls see complete photo coverage on Abe Espiritu's fb photo albums along with other pics taken by Prof Reuel Aguila, Cecille Cabuhat Magdasoc, Pinkee Serrano and Ada Tolentino Bernal in their respective fb pages

In attendance: Jay Espina who arrived the day before from the United States, Krish Acu, Leo Valmorida, Boogie Arellano, Abe Espiritu, Reuel Aguila, Bong Regala, Cecille Magdasoc, Goody Esguerra, Medy Gabriel, Baby Berona, Linda Homicillada, Chelit Bataclan, Lanie Reodica Beltran, Pinkee Serrano, Dorri Santos, Ada Tolentino Bernal, Lorie Ladublan, Cristy Aguirre, Josie Sy Tan, Doc Essie Antonio Diaz, Doc Lu Senga Lo, Chuchi EStanislao, Linda Avenido, Malou Domingo..

As always, thanks Abe for these photos.

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