Vicky Castro is on a brief visit from the United States

Vicky Castro today
Vicky Castro gave me a call the day we were supposed to kibitz at the Batch69 Mini Reunion at Josie Sy Ang's  home office building in Cubao, Quezon City.

She sounded so excited.  I was too,   finding out who the person on the other end was. What followed  was full of  high school like chatter, remembering classmates - where they are,   what its been like all those forty years absence from each others life..

And reminisce we did; picking up about each others children - how many, how old, married? where are they now? 

Today, Chuchi and I join her for lunch. 

With Chi
With nephew Jr and a little friend
Vicky and I

Goody was unable to come because of a previous appointment while  Doc Lu was also unable to join us, as she was at Polymedic for her hospital rounds. There were just three of us but the stories to tell were unending..

Once more with Chi
Vicky promised she will try to see us again after her trip to Surigao.

 Thanks so much Vicky! Till then!

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