MINUTES of MEETING held on Friday, May 27, 2011

Minutes of Meeting
RMCHS Building
Minutes by Secretary Chuchi Estanislao 

In Attendance:

    Victor Abat
    Corazon Galang Palomar
    Ma. Chuchi Estanislao
    Abraham Espiritu
    Marilou Domingo
    Bong Regala, Jr.
    Leo A. Valmorida
    Krishnamirti Acu
    Chelit B. Hizon
    Lorna Callanta

1.   President Victor Abat officially opened the meeting at 5:15pm. and approved
   the Minutes of the previous meeting after a correction on the selling price of the
   Apprentice ’70 (Commencement Issue) :  should be P250/copy instead of P150.

    2.   Old Business:

2.1  After a brief deliberation regarding the  annual membership fee (which was previously set at P1,000.00 ) being perceived too high, the body settled and agreed to fix it at Two Hundred Pesos per year (Php200.00/p.a.).

2.2  It should be noted that this membership fee is different from the fee allocation of our Batch  for the Grand Annual Alumni Homecoming.

2.3  In connection with the Fee Payment/Collection, the body saw the need to register our group as an official organization with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and  to open a Bank Account for the Batch fund, and making it more convenient for our batchmates overseas to remit their contributions/ donations. Lorna Callanta, Marilou Domingo and Chuchi Estanislao  volunteered to work on this matter.

3.      Bowling Tournament Update:

3.1  Abraham Espiritu who is the Batch 70 Team Captain proudly announced                    that Team C (composed of Batch ’62, Batch ’70 & Batch 89) won against Team B in the April 21 Game. Ada Tolentino Bernal, Lorie L. Lunas, and Cristy Icatar-Aguirre were among the players.

3.2   The tournament  was ably coordinated by Chelit B. Hizon. with our General Alumni Association Representative Lorna Callanta-Caducio , who pointed out that the tournament is not a fund raising activity but rather for postering greater camaraderie and bonding amongst  all RMCHS graduates.

3.3  Pres. Vixie stated that  the players may charge all tournament related expenses to the Batch Fund.  Abe Espiritu  thanked Pres. Vixie and all those who have extended  their support during the tournament.

4.      Other Matters:

4.1 Grand Batch ’70 Reunion on Feb 2012:

4.1.a ) Chelit brought up certain  concerns by some of our   Batchmates from    US      such as Security while in transit  (perhaps due to high incidence of  Hold-up and similar occurrence as Hostage-taking.) .For practical purposes, such instances though not to be taken lightly , may be  taken cared of through proper coordination., so that a Batchmate billeted in a hotel, should be coordinating with another batchmate who resides in the same area/vicinity.

b)      Abe Espiritu  proposed  the possibility of  a Photo Exhibit by Reuel Aguila to be included as one of the  Featured Activities  on the Feb.4 Batch 70 Reunion., as it can also  be a Fund Raising venue. 

c)      For the venue, it is RMCHS on Feb.4, 2011, while  The Acropolis in Libis Q.C., and  Punta Fuego were among the other places being considered, for the Dressed-Up Dinner/Dance and Out-of-Town Activities;  with all due commendation  and responsibility  for its access to our  batchmate Josie Sy-Ang.
4.2      In the next meeting, the different Committees will be set up  in order to   
        gear up  the preparation for the Grand Batch 70 Reunion.
 Meeting Adjourned.

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