Agenda and Minutes of Oct. 09, 2010 Batch Meeting

Oct 09, 2010
Prepared by 
Lorna Callanta

I.    Attendance
II.   Call To Order
III.  Reading Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
IV.  Treasurer's Report
V.   Election of Officers
VI.  Grand Alumni Homecoming on December 04, 2010

       1. RMCHSAAI Letter of Solicitation
       2. Program Participation (Special Number, Food and Drinks Committee)
       3. Souvenir Program (free write-up/article about our batch, paid ads)

VII. Need for Funds (initial funds, funds for special projects, Grand Batch Reunion 2012, high school
        scholarships as a special project to assist the school and its students)

VIII. Other Matters

       1. RMCHSAAI Ballroom Dancing Fund Raising Project - Oct 16, 2010

IX.   Adjournment

RMCHS  Batch’70 
October 09, 2010
2:00 PM at RMCHS Bldg,
Cubao, Quezon City

I.   Present:
     1. Vic Abat
     2. Rey Bugarin
     3. Manuel Palafox
     4. Remedios 'Medy' Gabriel
     5. Veronica 'Baby' de Guzman Berona
     6. Dr. Salome Senga Lo
     7. Malou Domingo
     8. Goody Sabasa Esguerra

     Opening Prayer led by Dr Salome Senga Lo.

II.  Call To Order -  by Lorna Callanta.
III. Reading and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

      1. The  minutes of the previous meeting was informally read and cursorily reviewed. Motion for its  approval was made by Vic Abat. Seconded  by Malou Domingo.
         (NOTE: The minutes of  Sept 25, 2010 was brief because discussions were loose.)

IV. Meeting Proper  

1.      Floor  was opened by Lorna.  Discussion was opened based on the Agenda.
2.      Goody Esguerra took the floor. She updated the new attendees with the following information:   
        2.1. Batch’70 continues to support the RMCHSAAI's "Dinner for ACause - A Fund Raising  Project"  scheduled on  Oct 16, 2010. This event was designed to support the Dec 04, 2010  Grand Alumni Homecoming. 
           Batch’70 members  are helping sell tickets.

        2.2.  To hasten  Batch’70’s objective to raise funds for its own projects, the core group led by Goody  Sabasa Esguerra  initiated the Ruby Commemorative Batch’70 T-Shirt Fund Raising Project.  Goody and the group,  namely, Baby Berona, Medy Gabriel and Linda Ruiz  contributed  Php 500.00 each  for this initiative.

                The commemorative t-shirts  were sold at Php250 each. There are those who may want  to  extend their support so they can buy the T-Shirts for Php500; with  the end in view  of increasing  Batch’70’s  seed fund.
       2.3. In her capacity as Batch’70 representative to the RMCHS Alumni Association Inc, Lorna Callanta  was elected as one of the seven  directors of  the  Association

V. Treasurer's Report

       Veron "Baby' Berona reported that the Batch Fund is currently Php1,940.00 representing proceeds from the Ruby Commemorative Batch’70 T-Shirt Fund Raising efforts.

VI.  Election of Officers

      The body  approved  the following to assume their respective positions:
       President                  -  Vic Abat
       Vice-President         -  Goody Sabasa Esguerra
       Secretary                 -  Malou Domingo
       Asst Secretary         -  Chuchi Estanislao
       Treasurer                 -  Veron 'Baby' de Guzman Berona
       Asst Treasurer         -   Dr Salome Senga Lo
       Auditor                    -   Manuel Palafox Jr
       Asst Auditor            -   Rey Bugarin

NOTE:  As a backgrounder, during the Sept 25, 2010 meeting,  all the nine (9) attendees at large, assumed  Director positions. The objective was   to get the ball rolling and elicit some form of commitment.  As  discussed during that  same meeting,  from these collective group of Directors and other  future  possible attendees, will  emerge the  Batch’70 officers. This expectation  presupposes that the  remaining Directors who were not elected  will remain as such.

          Action/Decision: Pending discussion and Approval or idea to be Dropped.

VI.   Grand Alumni Homecoming Updates

          Old Business:
          1.  Lorna enjoined the batch to provide a special number during the Grand Alumni Homecoming event.

            Action/Decision: No decision was reached as to what and who will participate. For  resolution next meeting.

           2.  Lorna informed the body that Batch'70 was asked to help and assist in the  Food and Beverage  task of the event. The “HOW” was discussed loosely, if at all.

           Action/Decision: Pending. Needs clarification from Lorna Callanta.

           3. Batch '70 is no longer required to do any  REGISTRATION tasks nor assist in  the preparation  of  the Grand Alumni Homecoming  Souvenir Program.

            Action/Decision: Issue resolved.

            4. Lorna  reminded everyone to attend the Oct 16, 2010  “Dinner for a Cause”,   and so payments from those who got tickets were expected to be all in before the actual event.

             Action/Decision: In progress.

             5. Lorna reminded the body that Grand Alumni Homecoming Souvenir Program  Committee is soliciting articles for publication. This could be in the form of a write-up about our  batch being a   major host; or other literary forms suitable to the homecoming theme.

             Action/Decision:   Malou Domingo will  ask   Reuel Aguila if he can provide the literary  work.
              New Business:

              A.  RMCHSAAI Letter of Solicitation

              1. Lorna Callanta presented the RMCHAAI letter of solicitation.  Batch'70 as a major host was  enjoined to participate by way of a cash contribution. Two options were presented   to the body:  Php5,000 or Php10,000.

                 Action/Decision:  The body decided to contribute Php5,000.  But  additional contributions will be  most welcomed.   

               2. Additional fund contributions, if any  will go to the Batch’70 seed fund. Subject funds will be  used to finance future batch projects, including activities that will support the planned  Batch'70 2012 Alumni Reunion in the Philippines.

                3. President Vic Abat suggested that each officer contribute Php500.00  to cover the PhP5,000  cash commitment to the RMCHSAAI.  The suggestion was carried.

                 Action/Decision: Several officers subsequently made their individual contributions.

               4.  All alumni  from the US or those based in other parts of the world, including those based in the  Philippines  are enjoined to contribute whatever amount. It is purely voluntary except officers.  Monies raised will be added to  Batch'70 seed money  or added to the Batch’70 contribution to  the RMCHAAI solicitation. (Contributor/s will decide.)

                    Action/Decision: Malou Domingo will initiate enlisting  alumni contributions,  particularly those  based  abroad. Other batchmates can also pitch in the effort.

         B.   RMCHS Batch’70 Bank Account

               1. All contributions, donations, money from fund raising efforts shall be deposited in a Batch'70   Bank  Account to be managed by Treasurer and Asst Treasurer.
               2. Treasurer/Asst Treasurer will find out the requirements from the banks. (BPI or BDO)

                Action/Decision:  In Progress

 VII.   Adjournment
                1. Venue of next meeting will be announced later through email.

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