Batch Officers Meeting March 04, 2011

March 04, 2011, Saturday
Country Style Donut House, Ali Mall
5PM to 8PM

In Attendance:
1. Manny Palafox
2. Abe Espiritu
3. Goody S Esguerra
4. Lorna Callanta
5. Cecille Magdasoc
6. Baby Berona
7. Remy Gabriel Angelias
8. Malou Domingo

Presiding Officer: Goody Esguerra in lieu of Vixi Abat’s absence. (He had to attend to some very important personal matters).

As a brief background, the meeting was called to discuss Batch 70’s participation in the forthcoming RMCHS Foundation Day on March 17, 2011; and to get an update from RMCHS AAI Director Lorna Callanta regarding current Alumni Board activities, including other matters relevant to Batch 70 as an organization.

As a result, the following were taken up and agreed upon during the meeting:

1. On RMCHS Foundation Day Celebration: Batch 70 will not participate due to, among others, lack of time to prepare. However, batch members who would like to do so in their own individual capacities are encouraged to make a go for it. (Note: Lorna informed the group that the Foundation Day is usually held in honor of teachers.)

2. Lorna Callanta informed the group that the RMCHSAAI recently held its elections and she was elected Treasurer. She will furnish the Batch with the list of the new Alumni Board Officers.

3. The group decided to hold a General Batch Meeting on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 4PM at the RMCHS during which the following shall be open for discussion:

• Organizational matters including batch incorporation, fund generation for the planned Batch 70 Alumni Homecoming on February 04, 2012, etc.

• Batch Project Initiatives and consequent funding issues (eg. Scholarships, etc.)

• Prospect of Monthly Meetings for Fellowship and Business activities.

4. Having nothing more to discuss the meeting was adjourned.

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